Friday, April 27, 2012

Budgeting & Organization

I decided that I needed to start budgeting better. I want to become a more organized person and part of organization is money. And who doesn't like to have extra money or pay off their debts!

I don't know the first thing about starting a budget really though. I'm just a frugal person who doesn't want to spend more money than I have to therefore, sometimes I have a little extra.

I've been looking at many ways to (my computer just did that stupid mouse thing I talked about in my last post) get a little bit organized too.

I've heard that is a good budgeting tool. I tried to use it once, but I really didn't understand it. I've also looked into the envelope system of budgeting. I saw how handy it can be, but you really have to stick to it. You have to be devoted to not take money from one envelope to another, because then you're in "debt" to that certain envelope. The goal is to be out of debt and have a little extra money like any other budgeting system. I bought a book while I was celebrating being cigarette free for a month (ha! shameless plugging for myself) about budgeting. I don't know what it's called though because I left it at home =( and I'm at my bf's house =). I can't wait to start reading it though! I was really disappointed when I realized it was at home because I was already to far away to turn around.

For organizing I wanted to start a household binder or notebook. It's goal is to manage mine and my daughter's lives a bit easier. It's a binder that has different sections in it to keep track of important things in our lives. Since we live with my mom right now, I can't really decide if it's something I want to explore. I really do love the idea though. Keep in mind that there are many ways to create this binder and this example is only the right way for the person who uses it. If somebody were to start their own household notebook only they know what will and won't work for them. Everybody will know what works for themselves after a couple of months of use.

Well, maybe I was a bit of inspiration for you, because I know that other blogs with these ideas were inspiration for me. Tell me how you feel about these things, also feel free to share any organization or budget tips and tricks with me!


Ali said...

Chloe, you crack me up "I left it at home =( and I'm at my bf's house =)." In all seriousness, when you find a good budgeting tool PLEASE let me know. We are slacking big time :( What works for us is to pay all bills as soon as we get paid, then take what's left and put it toward a car or a credit card. It works, but I feel like it's not very good.

Brian Switzer said...

That darn 'G' key is making it look like you can't spell.

I'm a big believer in the 'Dummies' books. (Cooking for Dummies, Spanish for Dummies, etc.) Anytime I want to learn something new, I check and see if there is a Dummies book about it. I bet I've read at least 30 of them, and there are a couple that I refer back to on a weekly basis.

I'd bet anything there is a Budgeting for Dummies, and I know a big part of Personal Finance for Dummies (I used to own that one) is about budgeting.

Dave Ramsey and Suzie Orman have written extensively about it as well.

My treat if you want to meet at books a million on Sunday.

Mrs Guenther said...

Such a great idea... I'm looking forward to starting this organization!!!!

Chloe said...

Sorry I'm just now getting back to you Father. I would have loved that but I have to work until 8. Pretty blah! Raincheck?!? ;)

Chloe said...

Why thank you! I love your blog by the way. And I haven't even gotten started yet. LOL.

Chloe said...

Yeah, that's about what I do too. I haven't found anything yet. I'm getting there though!