One - I'm excited to learn a new blogger and hopefully making a new friend in the blogging world.
Two - I love getting mail! OMG I get so excited,even if it's bills. Lol...Don't judge.
Three- I love to send mail too! It's just sooo exciting. I can't explain.
It's called Books 'n' Blogger Swap . It's hosted by Beth from Living a Goddess Life and Angie from My So-Called Chaos.

The swap is real easy. After you get matched up with a blogger you learn about them and buy them 3 books. The first book is a book you love. I've already picked mine for that! The second is a book you haven't read and the third is a book your partner wants. Doesn't that sound like a bunch of fun?!? I think it does.
I should have blogged sooner but I couldn't :(. Hopefully they do it again because now it's over. I feel terrible about it and I'm not gonna give any excuses about this post being a day too late. My bad :(.
Well, other than that I hope all turns out well with the swap. I can't wait to meet my partner....
I cannot wait! :D
Soooooo excited! I need to get to know you better! :)
I read all about you today =). It's so much fun. I adore your blog and how confident you are about yourself and things that you do. I really admire that!
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