Wednesday, March 20, 2013

And Today We Pin

Happy Humpday cupcakes! If you're playing a blogging drinking game I'm assuming you would drink now. I don't play drinking games I just do the drinking. No games needed. lol. I'm still on my mini-vacation but I wanted to do OHP today! Pinterest and I have gotten back together this week. Finally. Let's do it. I don't know if you guys are using the "improved" Pinterest but I am and it just took me like 5 minutes to find the damn embed button. -.- Well I found the embed button but then it wouldn't give me a code. So I switched back to the old view.


Source: via Chloe on Pinterest

I'm all about perking up my girls. I love them and want them to be as beautiful as possible!

Source: via Chloe on Pinterest


I love this but the website is down =(

Source: via Misty on Pinterest

The boy and I need this when we get our own house.

Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin or pinterest!

Linking up with Michelle!


Candice @ Just Stay Lovely said...

stopping over from the link up.. that pillow just made me laugh out loud! love it!

Stephanie said...

Haha that pillow! And the watermelon kitten! love

Jordan said...

The watermelon kitten is my FAVE

Dabbling in Dixie said...

hahaha I need that pillow! And I'm going to be stalking those moves for my girls!