- Friday - I worked
- Saturday - I worked
- Sunday - I worked
Yep, that's it. What a fabulous weekend right. lol. If you follow me on instagram you've probably seen some of my pictures from this weekend. If not, here ya go!
We had a meeting at work Saturday morning and we got to sample our new wines.
Yep sampling wines at 8 in the morning. Buttt... I had more than a sample. We kept
convincing the gret server serving us our wine we needed more. I was buzzed by the time it was over.
My new shoes! Remember how I wanted leopard flats...well I got some. They aren't really
the traditional leopard colors but I love them! Now I need to find a shirt to go with.
Soooo pretty!
And this is what my work looks like. Yep, an Olive Garden. Just thought a picture
would be fun. =)
Also on my intstagram I'm doing 31 days of pink. I'm wearing something pink everyday for October
for breast cancer awareness. I won't show you all my pictures but this is one of my favorites.
I don't do my hair very often but I decided I would that day. I had a side part low ponytail with
a flower. It was a hit with everybody at work so I'm gonna try some more. =)
Follow me on instagram!
So anyway... We have some new followers over here and I'm excited that so many people want to read my ramblings. I thought that I'd do some more about me. I found a 30-Day about me list I wanted to do over at Sami's Shenanigans and she had gotten it from here. I was going to post the whole list but I thought I'd keep it a surprise. I won't be doing things from it everyday throughout the month but eventually we'll cover all 30 topics! lol. Number one is to list 20 Random facts about myself. Legggooo....
1. I love the color pink.
2. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. None.
3. I'm majoring in Business Management with an emphasis in Human Resources.
My minor is Paralegal Studies.
4. I watch toooo much t.v. It's my weakness.
5. I make these bad ass enchiladas that I could eat EVERYDAY.
6. I love weddings. I follow some bloggers who are getting married and I live vicariously
through them. I watch all kind of wedding shows. Everything weddings =)
7. I cry easily. Happy, sad, mad, excited, think something is awesome, surprised...everything. lol.
8. I like stuff until it's trendy. And then I'm like yeah...whatever.
9. I am the oldest and the only child. I have two younger sisters. I didn't live with them growing up so at mom's house I was the only. At dad's house I was the oldest. =)
10. Although I could eat said enchiladas everyday...My favorite foods are pasta (especially mac and cheese) and breakfast burritos. Mmm mmm good.
11. I think religions are interesting and I enjoy learning about them.
12. I'm messy. And very disorganized.
13. I have a hard time rationalizing spending money...
14. Somehow I want to change the world.
15. I've never bought a car that works well. Ever.
16. I don't eat leftovers unless they are enchiladas or my grandma's potato soup.
17. I've never broken any bones.
18. Babies make me very happy! I adore them.
19. My favorite concert I've been to was Kenny Chesney's Goin' Coastal tour.
He's not my favorite country artist but the man can put on a show!
20. I dream of living somewhere other than where I grew up but can't imagine leaving my family behind.

I love those leopard flats. So cute.
Love your flats, and I'm jealous of your wine tasting ;) I really want to try your enchiladas now!!
I haaaaate working through the weekend. Hopefully those days are over for me for the winter. you know, not a lot to do for a construction company in the winter.
i love your leopard flats. so so cute.
I want a job where I work the weekends, because I'm a lunatic.
Olive Garden, I want soup.
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