Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's Ok!

It's ok that I had nothing on my mind to write about so I'm linking up with Neely for today. See what I did there...I'm good, I know.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Ok

That grey is my color. I love it. Half of my clothes are grey/silver and you know what...Idc

That after 8 days of working in a row, I get a weekend off and don't feel bad about it.

I'm tired of school. School is tired of me too.

At the same time I'm ready for my fun classes next semester. 

I make no sense sometimes.

To want to spend money on things but not do it because Christmas comes first.

That I really just want to sleep today.

I'm done not done with Christmas yet, but I'm getting there.

To wish it was Christmas-y all year round. People are just so much nicer.

That's all I've got for today. 

What a short post. I suck. But go check out what I want for Christmas. And feel free to send something my way ;)


Jordan said...

A lot of my clothes are black and/or gray. We keep it simple! :) Are you almost done with school? My brother's already home. Hope you have a great day!

Stephanie said...

I agree, people are nicer at christmas time! Too bad it's so darn expensive.

Aubrey S. said...

My favorite color is silver too. I love gunmetal silver. And a lot of my work closet is black and gray because it's so easy to make things match.

Jess said...

I was just complaining to the hubs about how annoying it is that people are so much more "jolly" around the holidays than any time of the year! Can't we be like this all the time? (Well I guess I know...)

This is also the time when charities and things are begging for donations and help - don't they need help all the time? But oh well. It is what it is right?