Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Big 3-0

My hunnie is the big 3-0 today! Yep, he's 30. This is the third birthday I've spent with him! They just keep getting better and better.

Three years ago, I met a charming man-boy and decided to use my awesome skills to get to know him. haha. No, he was really charismatic and charming. That's why I thought he was so cute! And kinda smartassy.

Now I sit beside a handsome 30 year old who I've watched grow into a wonderful family guy. He loves my little so much and I love our family. But he's still charismatic and charming. And even more of a smartass -.-

I can't wait to spend more birthdays with him. And give him shit for not being in his 20's anymore. It's fun. I didn't realize how young I was until he was in his 30's. I was feeling like an old ass for being almost 22. Hahaha.

But seriously...happy birthday babe! Love you so much. Can't wait to hang out with you all day. xoxo.

*why are we drunk in all the pictures of us??* 
My goal for him this year is to get more pictures of us when we are sober. He needs to get over it. 


Jess said...

My hubs is 32 - or is he 33? lol!! And I'm about to turn 25 next week. What is it about our older men that we "youngins' find attractive? Hmmm

Laura Darling said...

Yay happy birthday to him!!