I can't handle being at the size that I am. It just makes me so unhappy. I have a lot of clothes that I would love to fit better and I'm ready to wear them! I wanna look hot this summer. And for the rest of my life.
As for eating, well, I'm not going on a diet persay but I am picking better choices. I won't be eating out as much. And when I do go out I won't pick my favorite heart attack from the menu anymore. It'll be smething that's a bit better for me. That means no more shrimp and parmesan sirloin from Applebees. Now it'll just be a plain steak (i know, not the best but it's Applebees) with two sides of broccoli. No more mashed potatoes. And I'm giving up soda. I'm starting with just one a day but eventually hope to cut it out all together. My portion sizes are also going to be smaller. I've already started this and I can definitely tell a difference in how much I can eat. Last night I had a bowl of soup at work and I felt like I just ate a whole entree. I was stuffed. I realized that eating like the boy wasn't doing me any good. Ahh the joys of relationships right.
I'm also going to be exercising every day regardless of if I feel like it or not. I plan on doing Nikki's 30 miles in 30 days. I was talking to the fabulous Jordan about it and she said that I could even crawl if I needed to. lol. I thought "Do bar crawls count?" ;) I know that I can do this. And I hope to be able to run a mile straight through at the end of May. I know that I won't be in town from the 10-13 but I can make up for the days that I miss. And I also found this and want to try it too.
I know I can do this. And I'm super pumped about it. My goal is to lose two dress sizes by the end of the year. I know that's a long time but I make mistakes and I'm taking them into account here. So let's do it!

Good luck girl! Have you heard of ToneItUp.com? I avoided it for the longest time, but I've been obsessed with it lately for motivation. It really gets me pumped to do a workout at the end of the day. Just thought I'd share since it really has helped me these past couple of weeks!
I look forward to seeing your progress on the 30 miles in 30 days!
You go, girl! Baby steps count as steps!
^^Tone It Up is a great program! I signed up for the Bikini Series and every week they send a new workout. Also, check out www.muffin-topless.com if you have questions about nutrition, supplements, etc. AND www.bodybuilding.com if you need help getting a particular exercise down. You have a gym membership so you're lucky! I'm so excited for you! You can do this. Just remember, nobody else can do it for you - so stick to it and be patient! Take pictures today and then take pictures June 1, if you stick with everything you'll see the difference! Yay I'm so happy for you! You got this!
Thanks for the inspiration to make better choices! I think I will be joining you!
I started following you on Instagram too!
I need to do this too, I'm just so unmotivated. Good luck lady! Do you have my number? I don't think you do, but we need to swap so we can text each other motivation!
Good luck!!! :) I gave up sodas cold turkey two weeks ago and I am dyinggg. But, it definitely gets easier and I'm letting myself have one "cheat day" per week.
YEAH! You can do it!!
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